Pan Records

Bringing you the "Sound of Scotland"

Brandon McPhee and Band. Christmas Concert 2020. With guest Manson Grant. DVD film.

Item ID: DVDPAN123
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Brandon McPhee and Band Christmas Concert 2020 with guest Manson Grant, DVD film.
Track Listing:
  1. Winter Wonderland
  2. Silver Bells
  3. Achnaclyth House
  4. Donald Maclean’s Farewell to Oban/Inveresk House
  5. The Christmassy Feeling
  6. White Christmas 
  7. Greatest Gift of All
  8. The Christmas Polka
  9. Away in a Manager/ Amazing Grace 
  10. Hallelujah for Christmas 
  11. Jeans Reel/High Level/ President Garfield
  12. Lonely This Christmas 
  13. My Mum and Santa 
  14. A welcome Christmas Morning 
  15. How do I wrap my Heart up for Christmas 
  16. The Old Christmas Card/Blue Christmas/What A Merry Christmas this Could Be
  17. Christmas Long Ago
  18. Silent Night 
  19. The Bluebell Polka 
  20. The Bluebird 
  21. Jingle Bells/Hark the Herald Angels Sing/Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer 

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