Pan Records

Bringing you the "Sound of Scotland"

Brandon McPhee Plays Jimmy Shand. CD Album Record.

Item ID: Brandon McPhee Plays Jimmy Shand
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  1. Six Twenty Two Step
  2.  Lady Elgin of Broomhall/Lord Elgin of Broomhall 
  3. The Agnes Waltz
  4. John Macdonald's March
  5. Lass O' Patties Mill/Davy Nick-Nack/Deveron Reel 
  6. Auld Scots Mither Mine
  7. Bill Black of Stanley/Arlene Bowie/Jim Money
  8. Dr Ross's 50th Welcome to Argyllshire Gathering/Dundee City Police Pipe Band
  9. Whistling Rufus
  10. Lunan Bay/Lady Angela Alexander/It's Grand Among Your Ain Folk
  11. Cameron Highlanders/Australian Ladies
  12. Memories of Willie Snaith
  13. Shuffling Samuel
  14. Jimmy Shand the Legend
  15. Bonnie Dundee/Midlothian Pipe Band/I Lo'ed Nae Lassie But Ain 
  16. Auchtermuchty Gala March
  17. A Welcome Christmas Morning
  18. St Andrew's Parade/Harveston Castle/Breadablane Reel/Bobby Watson
  19. The Bluebell Polka 

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